
Foundation Crack Repair Methods

It almost should be understood without saying that it is always necessary to determine the cause of a foundation crack before attempting any repair. If there is an underlying problem causing movement, then that needs to be addressed first with any repair method chosen.

Attention also needs to be given to the nature of the crack, and the cracks effect on the structural stability of the building. Sometimes, as in the case of minor shrinkage cracks, repairs can be limited to cosmetic repair and addressing any concerns about water intrusion.

Assuming that any structural concerns have been addressed, a specialist may recommend epoxy filling of cracks as a potential solution to water intrusion. They may also recommend polyurethane foam.

When addressing concerns about vertical movement in a foundation wall, effective foundation repair methods include steel push piers, concrete piers, and friction piers.

For settled slab foundations, other methods such as grout pumping or slab jacking might be recommended. Many specialists also recommend helical push piers, which can be used to raise and level sunken slabs and also set into unstable soils for new home construction.

Sometimes more involved methods are necessary, especially when horizontal movement is occurring. Bulged walls that occur as a result of horizontal pressure can sometimes simply be stabilized with vertical steel beams or carbon fiber straps and Kevlar neckties. The cost of this is considerably less than excavation around the home and complete replacement of the wall. But sometimes, this latter method is still necessary when the foundation has become extremely unstable.
Your specialist will make a recommendation that the can guarantee.


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